Samantha Benincasa, postdoc in our group 2018-2020 and ongoing collaborator, has been selected as a President’s Postdoctoral Scholar at the Ohio State University. Congratulations Sam!
Samantha Benincasa, postdoc in our group 2018-2020 and ongoing collaborator, has been selected as a President’s Postdoctoral Scholar at the Ohio State University. Congratulations Sam!
Samantha Benincasa starts her new postdoctoral position as an NSERC Fellow and CCAPP Fellow in the Department of Astronomy at the Ohio State University. Sam has been a postdoc in our group since 2018. Congratulations Sam!
Sarah Loebman starts her new position as an assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the University of California, Merced, where Sarah is spearheading a new astrophysics program. Sarah has been a NASA Hubble Fellow and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow with our group since 2017. Congratulations Sarah!
We are so excited that Sarah Loebman has accepted a faculty position at the University of California, Merced, where she will start as an assistant professor in their Department of Physics in fall 2020! We are doubly excited because, as one of their two inaugural astrophysics faculty, Sarah will start a new astrophysics program within their department. Fortunately for us, she will stay with our group at UC Davis for another year to finish her NASA Hubble Fellowship and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship. Congratulations Sarah!!
Samantha Benincasa joins our group as a postdoctoral research scholar. Sam recently earned her PhD in physics at McMaster University, working with James Wadsley on simulations of galaxy formation. Sam works on the interstellar medium in galaxies, including giant molecular clouds and their relation to star formation and stellar feedback. Welcome Sam!
Today Sarah Loebman joins us as a NASA Hubble Fellow and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellow. Previously, Sarah was a postdoc in the Michigan Society of Fellows at the University of Michigan. I am excited that Sarah joins us, forming a real ‘group‘!